This is a nice credit card case that fits nicely in a purse.
It is black manmade leather and measures 4" x 3 1/4" x 1/2".
It snaps shut at the top and has a flap like an envelope.
There are 2 plastic inserts that will up to 12 credit cards on each side.
There are 6 inserts on each side.
There is a pocket on the first section,and on each side where the inserts are put in there is another pocket.
The outside of the case is in new condition.
No tears, rips,holes or scratches.
On one of the plastic inserts the plastic piece that hooks into the cover is torn. It could be taped, it still works even being torn.
The plastic inserts are in good condition.
Most of them have tiny tears at the corners from pulling the cards in and out. The main body of them is in good condition. There are a few that show spots, could probably be wiped out.